Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update on Aubree

Usually summer time is the best and healthiest time for Aubree, but this summer has been a little harder than normal.  We have had a couple of ear infections and she actually has scar tissue in one of her ears from a ruptured ear drum that we didn't even know about.  She is one tough cookie.  It is so hard for us to even know when she feels bad, because she is so use to feeling bad and she is so tough.  Both her immunologist and her pediatrician have said that she will need tubes again so we are scheduling an appointment with her ENT.  Also, her immunologist wants to see her back on November 22nd and wants to do blood workup in the middle of the "bad" season for her.  He has recommended and long term antibiotic for the fall and winter and if that doesn't work, infusions may be needed although, this will not protect her against the nasty viruses that plagued her this year.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers.....

1 comment:

  1. I will continue to keep that sweet girl and all of you in my prayers!!
